
Dry Heat or Not -- It's HOT!

Hey everyone!  Just about everything is withering around here, including me!  Not quite as hot today as yesterday, but still......!    Sometimes I would be just fine remaining in "ignorant oblivion" regarding how hot it is, like yesterday for instance.  I simply prefer to stay inside when our weather is so hot, working on crafts or sewing projects and only going out when I absolutely have to do so.  Now The Man, as I've said many times, is multi-talented and very interested in so many different things.  He loves learning new things and reading stats.  The Man rarely complains about the heat, but after running some errands yesterday, he came in all sweaty and red-faced and talking about how HOT it was.  He does not like humidity, so he had to promptly look up what the humidity was and then proceeded to figure out the heat index.  He could have kept it to himself, but after 44 years of marriage, we pretty much share everything....lol!  This was no exception.  With higher than normal humidity, our heat index was........126 degrees!  Yikes!  I was so much more comfy in my little craft room with the fan on before he shared this wonderful bit of info.  I swear, I just melted on the spot and became a pathetic drama queen!  I found myself "sighing" with every little task -- I told you, so dramatic!  After all the sighing, watching me dab at my brow, and wondering if there would be any dinner prepared last night, I kind of doubt The Man will be sharing those tidbits of info with his little wifey from now on!  But, then again, he is such a risk-taker!

Will something come of this?
We can only hope!

Today isn't so hot.....well, you know that's a relative thing!  It's only 95 degrees at 1:00pm with 26% humidity and that makes it feel like only 101-- yep, that's a walk-in-the-park!  Anyway, with such "milder" conditions, we ran a few errands earlier today.  I do try to limit the number of stops during the summer heat because that really zaps your energy, but we had several places to go -- probably two too many!  But heck, most of the stops were my "happy places," so I powered through.  Would you like to see what I bought?  Of course you would, right? 

I'm always up for a visit to World Market, especially when they have coffee and/or Torani Syrups on sale, and I have an additional coupon!

Do y'all remember Moon Pies?  Well, maybe they are still around for some of my Southern bloggy friends, I don't know; but I certainly remember them from my childhood growing up in Louisiana!  But I couldn't believe it when I got my email ad from WM, advertising Moon Pie Coffee!

And look what else.....S'Mores flavored Torani Syrup -- I've died and gone to heaven!

Michael's is only a couple of stores away from WM, so we zipped in there, too, but wasn't feelin' the love!

Next stop.....JoAnns!  I doubt I've ever walked out of this store empty-handed.....lol!
Now this is just a little sneaky peak at some of the components I'm putting together for a b-day present for one of my granddaughters.  I can't share too much right now, just in case their Mom or Dad might be reading my blog!  I'm so psyched about this gift, so I promise to share at a later date!

Now this wasn't from shopping today.  On our way back from our vacay last week, we drove through a small mountain town in AZ (Payson), and thanks to Ceekay @Thinking of Home, I knew there was a great little scrapbook store that I needed to visit.  I was truly not prepared for just how awesome 
Paper and Metal Scrappers was going to be or how much fun the owner, Barbara would be.  I was immediately caught up in her selection of paper and the wonderful quality.  I decided to do a collage of my purchases.  Can you guess which is my favorite?  Yep, that beauty on the lower left -- I'm seriously thinking about framing that one!  All of the papers at the top of the collage will be perfect for my Project Life albums -- so, so cute!  Anyway, Payson is only about 90 minutes away, and The Man has already agreed to a little day trip (or two), and I have Barbara's class schedule!  Did I mention that Payson is a good thirty degrees cooler than here?  Well, that just makes it all the more appealing!

Last stop was Costco.  Is it possible to get out of that store without dropping a hundred bucks?  I don't think so!  Good thing we only go once a month and only buy specific things.  Oh, in case you haven't been to your Costco or Sam's Club recently, Fall stuff is starting to appear!

Well, I'm enjoying an iced coffee flavored with "S'Mores" Torani syrup right now.  Such a tasty little jolt of caffeine to get me through the rest of my day.  Hope the weather where you are is nicer than here, and you are having a marvelous day.  Thanks so much for visiting!  


  1. Honey I am feeling your pain. We have 95% humidity - OUCH but I still love it here along the gulf coast, that is as long as the hurricanes stay away.
    Hopefully you guys will get a little relief.

  2. I agree with you, it's just plain hot. I don't want to hear that it's a dry heat! Ugh. I love to go to World Market! I don't make it there very often but when I do, I always load up. :)

  3. Hope you get some relief soon! Can't wait to see what your creating!!!

  4. I whole heartedly agree you regarding the heat. If I'm going out it is in the a.m. Wish CostCo opened earlier than 10. Usually I'm done with errands by 10. Let's hope there isn't too much of this to go through. Hugs.

  5. Are you kidding me sweet lady, moon pie coffee, lol. I cannot show this to hubby! He loves moon pies, chocolate as a matter of fact. Yes, they are very available here. He likes the ones from Fred's dollar store. They are triple decker ones. Do you want me to send you a box?? I would be more than happy, especially if they would make you as happy as they do hubby.

    We have a friend who is in Phoenix. He was home for the 4th, and when he got back to Arizona, his air was broke in his corporate apt, so they brought him a window unit for the night until they could get his air fixed. He took a pic of his thermostat....it showed 114 degrees inside! Anyhoo, our heat index was only 104 today, but it is the humidity that gets us. Try and stay cool, and let me know about the moon pies :)

  6. You certainly got a lot done on your outing! I love World Market but I have only been to their website, not sure if we even have one around here. I can't wait to see the gift you are making for your granddaughter, you sly fox!

    I feel so bad for you with that heat...when we hit the 90's we turn into a ghost town. It has been in the 80's but the humidity here is beyond belief as well. It's like a jungle out there!

    Stay cool, sweetie, and get to work on those projects! :)


  7. Woah! I cannot believe how hot it is there! Glad you've got your creativity and yummy goodies to keep you company Carol! I've never tried any of the stuff you bought and I would for sure, next time I'm up at WM!!!!Stay cool!

    1. Thanks, Vel! We definitely aren't used to high humidity except during monsoon season. Most of the time our humidity is less than 10% -- that's why everyone calls it a "dry heat!"

  8. You should come visit me. This summer it is raining EVERY day. I mean it is so odd but we keep getting the side effects of tropical storms etc. I'm actually enjoying it. Stay cool! Can tell it's going to be a fun project.

    1. Well, I hope you don't get any of the full-fledged tropical storms! The weather-guessers predicted a 30% chance of a thunderstorm, but that has come and gone -- darn!

  9. What? Moon Pie Coffee????? :/ I'm Southern, and I haven't even heard of it before!!!

    I hope the monsoon gets there soon...it's that time of year!


  10. I know what you mean about the humidity. We hover around 95% humidity in the summer. Yuck. I love moon pies. :) That coffee sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see what you're creating! Stay cool!

  11. If we get out of Sam's for less than $100 it's a minor miracle! Speaking of Sam's, we regularly buy Moon Pies there. I'm not a fan but Dean loves them. It's 10:00 am here & the temp is only 85 BUT the humidity is 74% so the heat index is 94. All this heat is ridiculous!!! I've been meaning to get some syrup & I always forget.

  12. And people look at me like I'm crazy when I fondly think of winter. lol Your granddaughter is one lucky girl. Looks like the start of a wonderful surprise!


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Make this a great day!