
Some Pinterest Inspiration

Hey everyone!  Do y'all love Pinterest as much as I do?  I'd just like to say a big "THANK YOU" to whoever started this wonderful venue for planning, dreaming, and just having fun!  Today I thought I'd share some of the Pinnings that "float-my-boat."

I have lots of food boards, but I'm probably heaviest (no pun intended) in the "dessert" category!
Mason Jar Mud Pie
Mason Jar Mud Pie

I have several Boards related to organization, scrapbooking, craft rooms, and just started a new one
for Project Life ideas -- love PL for recording our family history in albums!
         project life organization
            Project Life organization

I'm fascinated with doing my own upholstery, although I haven't done much yet.  I have collected some
great tutorials that make it sound doable.

Upholstering a rocking chair

Upholstering a rocking chair

My Fashion/Beauty Style is probably one of my most enjoyable boards.  I get so many great ideas for putting outfits together, plus some help on doing hair and makeup.  I don't think you should ever feel too old to care about how you look!

                      cute scarf and colors
Cute outfit

My Crafty Happy Space Board is another one of my faves.  I'm constantly looking at new ways to make my creative space better.
craft rooms
Craft Room Tours

If you want to see other things -- quirky, edible, wearable, craft-able or just pretty much anything, you are always welcome to visit My Pinterest!  Have a great day!

I love to party with these fine bloggers:
The Tablescaper at The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays
Karen at Sew Many Ways for Sew Darn Crafty
Manuela at The Cultivated Nest for The Creative HomeAcre
Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Dawn at Creative Cain Cabin for Budget Decorating Party
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Mondays
Maria Elena at Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday
Leslie at House on the Way for Twirl & Take a Bow
Mary Beth at Cupcakes and Crinoline for Project Inspired
Karin at The Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wednesday
Angela at Hickory Trail for Efforts and Assets
Kelly at Live Laugh Rowe for Live Laugh Linky Party
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
The Feral Turtle at The Feral Turtle for The Aloha Blog Hop
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Anything Blue Friday
The Tablescaper at The Tablescaper for Oh, The Places I've Been
Jody & Stan at Rooted in Thyme for Simple and Sweet Fridays 
Amanda at Serenity Now for Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. That mason jar mud pie looks delish! My hubby and kids love oreos, so I'm sure they would love it. I should really look at some of those fashion/beauty boards. Lord knows I could use the help! LOL! I tend to wear the same things over and over. Hope you had a wonderful 4th!

  2. I love Pinterest too! And go figure, my desserts seem to take precedence over real food. Hope you celebrated a wonderful American holiday! Now I must go check out the craft room tours. Cheers from your Northern buddy!

  3. Great inspirations, Carol, and I have another blog friend who loves Project Life stuff. Her pages she posts on her blog always look really cool.

  4. I love the white rocking chair! For some reason, I love items in white so dainty. And that bag choice, is that from Tory Burch? I super love the brand minus the hefty price in my country ;)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Diane. I don't know if that purse is a Tory Burch or not. I have one very similar, but I got mine in Spain. I'm in love with that color!

  5. Great post and inspiration, Carol! I think I am going to check out some more of your boards!

  6. I love following you on Pinterest. You have some of the best pins!!!

  7. I am another Carol who loves Pinterest. I just finished a personal challenge of completing 30 projects I had pinned on Pinterest in 30 days. I retired exactly 30 days ago and tried to complete a project a day from my list. And, I DID IT.

    I will have to go to your Pinterest boards for some more ideas.

  8. I just started following you, but I don't see where to follow you on Pinterest.

  9. I love that outfit & that mason jar dessert looks amazeballs!!!

  10. There is always so much inspiration on there, I can get lost for hours. Love the jeans outfit, I just need to lose some more weight. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  11. Yes, I LOVE and ADORE Pinterest! It totally sucks me in every time I make the mistake of thinking that I'm just going visit for a minute or two. I've been happily following all of your boards there for a long time.

  12. That rocking chair looks fantastic!
    I'm off to waste some time looking at your Project Life pinterest board! I could always use more ideas!

  13. Me too...LOVE all the inspiration on Pinterest!
    Thanks for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


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Make this a great day!