
My Reality Right Now is Bitter-Sweet

Hey everyone!  I truly hope every woman out there, whether you are a "Mother" or not, has had a wonderful Mother's Day.    My day was both happy and sad.  We had initially been invited to our son's home, and he would have cooked something fabulous and our sweet dil would have made a delicious dessert.  But then, almost in the blink of an eye, things changed.  They all came here, and I cooked a favorite family meal for them.  This is where the "bitter-sweet" comes into play.  This will probably be the last time for quite awhile, that I get to do this for them.  They are in the throes of packing and getting ready for a new adventure in their lives.  They will be leaving the AZ desert and moving to the East coast where "Chefy Son" has a new job.

The Man and I are proud of both of our children and have always wanted only the best for them.  As parents of adult children, you have no control (nor should you) and can only hope that you've given them good advice and guidance over the years.  We have been blessed over the last couple of years to have lived only forty minutes away from our children and have known the great joy of being able to spend many happy times with either or both of their families.  It's pretty easy to get in-a-rut and think everything will remain the same, but that is so unrealistic.

My reality right now is that I am going to miss this sweet family

 so much and ...........

these precious little ones more than I can express.

My reality right now is that I better get good at Face-Time because this 3-year old 
is changing almost daily, and .........

This 5 1/2 year old will need to show me more missing teeth in the near future!

My reality right now is "trying" to be unselfish in knowing the Littles' other grandmother is going to have them close now for awhile.

My reality right now is that even in the midst of his chaotic life, Michael was thinking about
his Momma and brought me these beauties.

My reality right now is being married to the sweetest and most generous man, who has already promised me lots of visits to the East coast.

I actually held up pretty well on a day that could have been rife with emotions and sadness.  Instead, we just enjoyed each other's company, discussed immediate and future plans, and were thoroughly entertained by Little Miss and Littlest Miss.  It was really a very nice Mother's Day.

However, my reality right now is telling me I need to take a "bloggy" break.  I'm very much in need of some down-time and an opportunity to recharge, but I will be back!  Take good care of
yourselves while I am away!


  1. Oh, how hard to see your son's family move so far away! I do highly recommend FaceTime, and my 17 month old granddaughter has already FaceTimed me several times without her parents' knowledge (until they hear my voice saying, "Well, hi, Emily!" LOL! And maybe you can earn a lot of frequent flyer points going to visit in person!

  2. Oh... I know what you mean, my friend. Our daughter moved five years ago with her Little girls and her hubby for work reasons with the oldest at 5 and just baby sister; three hours away after living 3 blocks from us and it was terrible! We never got to see them go to school the first day and Little shows and granps's day at school and falling teeth except for skipe. We get used to everything in life and while they're doing well, what can we do but pray and thank God. Get strong and go girl...you'll find a way to see them, we all do! Glad you had a lovely MD.

  3. Sending virtual hugs to you, Carol. I hope you won't stay away too long--take care! :)

  4. Oh, that is bittersweet! Hang in there, and enjoy your frequent vacations back east! :-)

  5. Oh, sorry for you....thrilled for them! Just try to remember nothing lasts forever. Unfortunately, and fortunately. Enjoy your break and TRY not to cry TOO much!

  6. I feel for you Carol - right now I'm missing son already and he hasn't left yet for his 3 week camp in Chicago! waaaaahhh! The joys and pitfalls of being a mom right?! I know it will be so tough in the beginning, but your sweet hubs is right, you'll have more reasons to travel and try different routes when you do go and see them!!!!! Hugging you right now sweet Carol... :-)

  7. My sisters and I live very close to my mom and get to see her all the time. She has been a constant fixture in our lives. My brother moved far away, for a job, and it is hard on everyone. We make it work however, with lots of skyping...plenty of visits, texts and calls. It actually makes our time together even more special! :) Hang in there...

  8. Awww Carol I know who you feel, Michael moved 4 hours away and I thought he moving to the end of the earth but everything works out, you will see,

  9. Hugs to you, Carol. I don't live near my own parents, and I know they have been upset about that for years, but it wasn't in my control. I know you will do everything possible to keep up with them. My parents do not make an effort, upset though they are. You will still have a lovely time chatting and visiting whenever you can.

  10. Sending lots of hugs to you...My oldest is thinking of going to a college very far away next year. I know you'll miss those little girls so much, but you can already start planning your first trip to see them. And thank goodness we have facetime, right? That can be a real lifesaver when someone moves far away. :) I'll be thinking of you. :)

  11. My reality just over a year ago was preparing to watch my son, my dil and my 3 K's move to Texas. Fortunately, there was a change in plans and they didn't move, but I totally get your heart right now. I cannot imagine if my babies were preparing to leave town. You are in my prayers and I'm sending hugs your way! I you even want to get together for coffee or to chat, I'm just down the road a bit!! Blessings, Cindy

  12. Oh, Carol, you don't know how much I understand what you are feeling right now. It is so hard to have them so far away. Last year when my son was deployed to the other side of the world, I thought I was going to loose my mind. Some days were unbearable. But thanks to the technology we have nowadays, it makes it seem like they are not so far away. I know this is probably going to be a great job opportunity for your son and you need to start planning your trip right now. :) Big hug and kiss to you my friend, you know I am here to support you on anything you need. Take care of yourself. Maria

  13. Oh Carol, I am so sorry for you :( But on the brightside and with modern technology, you will probably be able to see them daily. I wish them all the best on their new adventure and I wish you lots of travel time! Have a good break and we will see you soon!

  14. Your flowers are gorgeous! I know how sad you must be but that's the great thing about retirement (from what I'm told) you get to visit whenever!!

  15. Hi Hon,
    So very sorry to hear that news..................
    My heart is going out to you, cause my daughter and our grand daughter DOG( she was like our
    first grandchild for years) moved away from us for the first time in 29 yrs.(29 yrs. would be for Dee
    not Rosie. lol) back in Sept. - and it is like you say a bitter sweet thing, but grievous as well, and I know now that I have a grand child that it would be all the worse. Take that time to grieve
    and spend as much time with them as you can.
    I also have to say it hasn't been quite as bad as I thought it would be, we have already been to
    visit twice and are planning our next trip sometime this summer, and it has been a rather fun
    and unexpected pleasure and adventure for us too............and I think you will find that to be true
    for you and your hubby too. Dee and I talk way more than we used to, and email as well, and
    if you get skype you can see those sweet darlings everyday if you want to......we skyped just
    yesterday with Dee so she could see Brooklyn. Will be praying for you cause it is a joyful thing
    for them, but also a sad thing for them too................and same for yall. Will sure keep you in
    my prayers cause think I know a bit about how you are feeling......
    Your flowers were beautiful.........and what a thoughtful son...........sometimes it is so sad that people have to move for jobs...........cause that was the reason Dee and Jerry had to move.
    But it is what it is...............
    One nice thing that we have found is when we do visit we get to spend days with them rather than
    hours and that has actually been way better..................
    Love and Hugs to you hon,

  16. Carol, I know that your heart must be breaking to have your loved ones move all the way across the country. I am sorry that you are not feeling good right now but you have the right attitude. Love your sweet husband. He sounds like a gem.

  17. Oh Cas, I am so sorry for your broken heart. I will say a prayer for you and all of your family, and blogland will be here when your ready to return.


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Make this a great day!