
Let's Hear it for Tweakin'

Hey everyone!  I hope this is going to be a great week for everyone, me included!  Monday is Chemo #4 and the last in Round 1 of infusions.  In 2 weeks I start Round 2, which will be weekly for 12 weeks.  This past week has been very good, and I have felt almost normal.....whatever that is!  I even did a bit of sewing, crafting and tweaking.  Let's hear it for "tweakers" everywhere!  So anyway, I wanted to share my Fall foyer and some of those tweaks I did in the sitting-dining room.  Let's get started.

You already know how much I enjoy decorating this table in the foyer.  If you want to see what the table started out as, just go HERE.

I've been using this metal piece to display pics of our "Grands" for awhile now, but this is the first time I have hung it from this mirror in the foyer.  I also added some cute tags about being "Thankful."

I printed the photos myself, choosing sepia and printing them on white cardstock.

Family is what it's all about!

I've had the big wooden bowl for several years, and simply added a candle in a hurricane and surrounded it with faux acorns in different sizes.

This little corner etagere usually gets some seasonal lovin'.

As you can see, cotton stems continue to pop up here and there!

Now for the tweaking I was talking about......
Most of it happened in this room.

I added a milk glass cake stand under the pumpkin.....this table needed some height variation; and I swapped out my burlap runner for this drop cloth runner & tied the ends (it was a bit too long, otherwise) with big burlap bows.

In this cozy spot, I added a pumpkin pillow that I made.....got the pattern HERE.

I sewed the pillow cover, but the pumpkin is "no-sew" and applied with stitch-witchery or whatever kind of iron-on fusible web you prefer.

I decided it needed something more, so I added the blanket stitch around all the pieces......but, I did it with a permanent marker, no stitching involved!

With plaids popping up everywhere, I decided to take this piece of fabric that I had and simply hemmed all the edges.....it's not very big, more like lap-size, but I like how it looks.

This pumpkin also got a makeover from orange to pale, pale aqua.

Now this is a piece of crewel work that I did, probably forty years ago and had it stretched on a wood frame.  I was tired of it that way, so I made it into a pillow.  Even after all these years, the colors are still so vivid!

The only thing that changed in the dining room is a swap of pillows........

I made these patchwork pillow covers (there's one on the other chair, too) a couple of years ago, using fabric sample books that I had gotten for free!

We always need to end on something cute, right?  Little Miss Abby really likes it when her Momma spends so much time in the craft room......she is an excellent cubby-filler!

Well, that's a wrap for now!  I hope you enjoyed seeing some of what is going on around here and hope you will come again very soon!
I often party with these lovely bloggers:

Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Mondays

Maria Elena at Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday

Suzy at Worthing Court for The Scoop
Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Before and After Wednesday

Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday

Kathryn at The Dedicated House for Anything Blue Friday


  1. Carol - So glad to hear you are doing well. Your entry looks so pretty and inviting. Love your
    "cubby hole cat". LOL


  2. Glad to hear you continue to feel well, Carol! Love the decor tweaks! Fabulous...especially your marker blanket stitches! Now that's my kind of "sewing"!!

  3. Thanks for the update and I am glad to hear you are doing well! Your home looks pretty as always!
    Have a great week!

  4. Carol
    You put me to shame with your Fall decorating. I agree the family photos are the most important of it all, for sure. And it's hard to imagine the blanket stitch is made by a marker!

  5. I love your tweaking, Carol. Your home looks so nice and cozy, and Abby is adorable! :)

  6. Oh Carol, what a beautiful job you did tweaking for fall! I love the table in your foyer...and I would LOVE to have what's underneath the table cover! I love the old treadle sewing machines and would give anything to have the one that used to belong to my mom. I also really like what you did to the coffee table runner...cute, cute, cute! Glad your treatments are going well and that you're feeling good! Have a great week!

  7. Morning Carol,
    Was so happy to hear you had a very good weak and felt almost normal. Whoo hoo!
    Nice that you were feeling up to crafting and tweaking. That was a very cute idea to add that metal
    pic tree to your mirror and then add some thankful tags to go with your pictures.
    Lovely pumpkin pillow cover too.........

    Well enjoy your 2 weeks off................oh and Happy Fall to Yall.............lol
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Everything is so pretty! So glad you're feeling like doing fun stuff. I'm sure you're going to enjoy that 2 weeks off.

  9. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the coffee table runner and decor!!...great job lady!!...xoxo, Mariaelena

  10. I love what you did with your mirror!!!! So unique and pretty at the same time!

  11. Lovely tweaks all over the place and especially those plaids. But the best news is that you are feeling better.

  12. I'm so glad you're feeling well!!! Yay! Your Fall decor is beautiful, as always. I love the idea of tying the ends of the runner like that. Pretty! Would you believe I still haven't found any more cotton stems at Michael's? I should have bought them out last year. Lol! Abby is such a doll...she's the cutest craft room helper I've ever seen. :)

  13. You have always been a "tweeker", whether it needed it or not. I am so glad that you felt like tweeking. I LOVE the pumpkin pillow. If I didn't have a million+ projects that need finishing up, I would make one.

  14. I do love your fall decor. The metal piece you are using for photos is perfect! I love how you used sepia on cardstock, much better than a flimsy photo!! Enjoy the week ahead, praying Monday went well and you are not suffering too many side effects this week! Many blessings, Cindy

  15. Carol, I love your all your tweaking, specially the metal piece with all the pictures of the kids. I am very glad you are feeling well. Abby is sooo cute! Our little dog does the same thing, she gets super excited every time I walk in the craft room. She loves to spend time in there although most of the time she just naps while I work. LOL Take car, dear friend. xxx Maria

  16. You certainly have a knack for creating a lovely home. Everything looks so warm and inviting. Hope round two goes well Carol!

  17. Everything looks so pretty and festive!!
    Love all your beautiful Fall Accents!!
    I just found a stamped cross stitch Fall scene that I did over 30 years ago and never did anything with. I was thinking of making a pillow out of it and now I am inspired to do just that!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!



  18. Carol, I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well, especially well enough to decorate your home for fall. It's looks beautiful. I've been a tad busy lately with my new blog format just launching this past Wednesday. I'm still working through some bugs and issues; and trying to see how I can still follow you through my WordPress vs Google. Come have a look. Until I figure a few things out, my memory is good enough to remember to come over and see you here.

  19. So glad you are doing well with your treatments! Praying that continues! You've done a wonderful job tweaking your spaces! I love the pillows in the living room, all are beautiful and add such fall warmth to the space! The metal tree that display family pictures is a great piece, too! ~Thanks for stopping into visit me, and for the kind comment left! :) Rhonda

  20. So glad you are doing well with your treatments! Praying that continues! You've done a wonderful job tweaking your spaces! I love the pillows in the living room, all are beautiful and add such fall warmth to the space! The metal tree that display family pictures is a great piece, too! ~Thanks for stopping into visit me, and for the kind comment left! :) Rhonda

  21. OH Miss Abby is good company to have while your creative juices are flowing!!! Beautiful fall decorations. I love the metal tree display hung from the mirror with the added family pictures...memories!!!
    So glad and happy you are doing great...Blessed the Lord!!!

  22. I love the metal piece hanging on the mirror with the photos attached. Such a creative way to display the photos, GENIUS!!!


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