
One Little Word

Oh my goodness, peeps, I haven't spread any love your way in over a month!  Is it too late to wish you all a "Happy New Year?"  Well, there you go, I just did it anyway!  I hope everyone is staying well...this flu-bug is such a nasty one this year.  So far, The Man and I are healthy, but we are trying to stay away from crowds and use lots of hand-sanitizer.

It seems to have taken me forever to choose my "word" for this year, but I now know "Choice(s)" is my word.  This is the Cambridge English Dictionary meaning:

choice noun (ACT). ​. › [ C/U ] an act of choosing; a decision: [ C ] a difficult/easy choice. 
[ C ] When you're trying to cut the budget deficit, you've got to make tough  choices.

Making choices is something so common to each of us, that it is almost like breathing.  We choose to do this or that, often without thinking what the consequences might be.  

Those spur-of-the-moment choices often leave us scratching our heads and asking, "What was I
thinking?"  Much of the time, those "mistake" choices are simple...like choosing the wrong paint color or thinking you can still walk around in those 3 inch heels!

Often we spend more time choosing where and how we want to create a vignette, take the photos, edit and write the post, than we do taking care of ourselves or our loved ones.  Choices are made hundreds of times a day without us even thinking.

Sadly, there are those choices we make that turn out to be major mistakes, but we just cannot admit we made a bad choice.  It's so difficult to admit when we are wrong and accept the consequences...it's a choice that takes some time and self-reflection.

We all get the same 24 hours each day and how we spend that time is a choice.  For me, the first choices of the day are to get up and greet the day with a happy heart, spend some time in prayer and gratitude, fuel my body with healthy food (and coffee!), loosely plan my day, and go to the gym at least 4 times a week.  I find these early morning, daily choices help me function better, both mentally and physically, and make more thoughtful choices  throughout the day.

It was my choice to add a few pics of my winter decor, because I know you all like seeing photos and not just a blog post of words.  It is also my choice to write another post this week, because I have some Valentine love to share and do not want to wait...back-to-back blog posts, can you stand it!

I do hope and pray 2018 is a truly wonderful, happy and healthy year for each and everyone of you.

Warm hugs,

*Did you notice my new header?  I think it is so pretty.  It was FREE and I got it HERE!

 I hope to be joining some of these lovely ladies this week:

Kristi at Making it in the Mountains for The Creative Gallery
Cindy at Dwellings--The Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday
Maria Elena at Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life  for Inspire Me Tuesday
Suzy at Worthing Court for The Scoop
Carol at The Red Painted Cottage for Share Your Style Party
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home


  1. No, it's not too late - Happy New Year to you too! We were hit hard with the flu a couple days after Christmas so I am still getting back to thing...weeks later. Not fun. Choose is a great word, Carol. I always make a list of potential words each year and then never commit to one! Or maybe I should say, I "choose" not to choose one...haha. Anyway, I hope all is well and I hope you stay healthy!

  2. Love the new header! I think you picked a perfect word. It's true...we all get the same 24 hours in a day and it's our choice how to use them. I start my day with little chores too (and coffee, of course) and then plan my day. My whole day runs smoothly when I stick to my routine like that. I guess I'm a creature of habit. :) Happy new year to you too! Hoping it's filled with health, happiness and lots of blessings.

  3. Beauty new header Carol! I noticed it right away! And I love your word. This year I picked the word ME ...but without the proper choices I’ll still be last on the list! Great food for thought. Hugs to you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Make this a great day!