This is the entrance to the front door.
So Excited to Show You Our New Home!
Hey everyone! I wasn't sure if I'd have the opportunity to share photos of our new home while it was still empty, but it worked out. We were over just for the weekend to do a u-haul run & do a few other things. We had twin beds delivered that will be for the guest room, but we used them this weekend so we could stay in our new home. So are you ready for a tour? Make yourself comfy, there are a ton of photos!
Who Moves in Late July in Arizona?
Hey everyone! The answer to my post header question is ......... The Man and I! We were so anxious to see our new home again, and it just made sense to rent a u-haul to take a lot of items the professional won't move -- paints, gardening chemicals, plus an odd assortment of things that are too difficult to pack. It also seemed logical to rent the size truck that could pull an auto-transport, which turned out to be a 14'er.
We picked it up late last Thursday and started loading after the sun was down a bit. Still, it was 109* or so and quite humid for here.
I had been staging things all day and putting pink stickies on everything that we could
possibly load ourselves.
The Man was drenched in perspiration - he was working so hard. So was I, but no way will you see a pic of that! My car got loaded with all my houseplants, bedding, & suitcases. We got most of the loading finished that night, finished up early Friday morn, & left for our new home.
This is how we made our "grand entrance" into our new neighborhood!
What was really awesome was that we had only been there for 5 minutes, when the neighbor next door came over and welcomed us to the neighborhood. Talk about a "warm fuzzie!"
Okay, tomorrow is the big "tour" of our new home that I've been anxiously waiting to share with ya'll. You had best rest up because we are talking "photo overload!" Just so you know! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me. I hope to see ya' tomorrow.
If I Have Forgotten.....
Hey everyone. I have gotten so many super-nice comments over the last few days and even some new followers lately. My concern is that I may have forgotten to "Thank You" for following or may have missed responding to your comments, and if that is the case, please forgive me. Ya'll are so sweet and I truly appreciate each and every one of you, but my head is really starting to spin with everything that's going on. My favorite thing to do when I take a little "break" is to grab my laptop and check blogland, and I am truly trying to keep up but I may fall short. So please forgive me if I slighted anyone.
I'm truly humbled by your kindness.
xoxo, CAS
Thank You!
Thank You!
Someone's Having a Lovely Give-Away!
Another wonderful give-away is going on over at Ann's at On Sutton Place!
First gift: Your choice of an 8 x 10 print from Watercolors by Barbara.
Second gift: French Script Blue Bird Pillow Slip from Gathered Comforts.
These are just lovely gifts, so go visit Ann at On Sutton Place to get all the details.
Back to packing for me, but I sure could see these things in my new home!
YAY, We've Sold, Bought, & Move In 3 Weeks!
Just in case you missed my last post, we have SOLD. OUR. HOUSE!!!! That is the best feeling. The second best feeling, well actually running neck-in-neck, is that we've closed on our new home in Gilbert. Our BIG move is scheduled for 3 weeks from today. We will be doing a "mid-move" Uhaul move in a week, and I plan to take tons of pictures to share (hopefully not bore) with all my bloggy friends. To say we are excited just doesn't come to close - JUBILANT, ECSTATIC, OVER-JOYED - maybe come closer! This will probably be my last post until I get those pics, so don't go anywhere, okay?
Happiness is this sign in our front yard!
Welcome to the Chaos!
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been away for so long, but, as I said in one of my last "real" posts, there were too many "irons in the fire" and little time for blogging. Well, things are still very chaotic and busy, and I still don't have much time for blogging. I did, however want to "catch" you up on some of what's going on.

This is what went up in front of our home in late January.
In February, we made several trips to the Phoenix area, and after "kissing a few too many frogs," we found this.......
I'll be happily sharing lots of photos of the new house later.
It felt like a perfect fit for The Man and I, as well as a wonderful gathering place for our rather large family. Everything went along very smoothly until the very end of "closing" and then a few "snafoos" emerged. It was hard on these "old nerves" at the time, but we just knew it would all work out.
In the meantime, I started doing a lot of this........
Keeping a good record of each box's contents as I packed away things that I felt we could do without for a few months.
Have used a lot of this.......
Attempted to store the packed boxes where they would be out of the way & not be offensive to any potential buyer of our home.
I actually felt pretty good about just getting my "decor" closet packed up, but then I downloaded a "whole house photo inventory" that I took just before I began the packing process. Looking at all that "stuff" that would have to get packed was very overwhelming. I decided to go ahead and pack as much as I could contain in an area of our garage, again trying to keep it from looking messy. Here is what that looks like.....
In the meantime, we have finally "closed" on our new home in Gilbert. Our realtor was sweet enough to take this photo of The Man & I putting our "John Hancocks" on the dotted lines!
And now, almost five months since we signed our "listing" contract, we finally have a BUYER for the Yuma house! Woohoo!!!!
I would throw out some confetti, except then I would have to clean it up! I did open one of my favorite wines.........Cheers, everyone!
Now my packing efforts have moved into full-swing, and I can put boxes wherever I need. My dining room is almost completely finished, and now I am working on our bedroom & my studio. What's really nice is that lots of things that are in drawers, can stay there. We just have some of this "shrink-wrap" stuff to keep them from coming open.
My sunroom is pretty much packed away now, except for my plants. It's a good holding spot for packed boxes & I'm using the counter in the sunroom closet to contain a lot of my packing needs.
I've gotten most things off the walls, & now The Man can fill/patch holes and do some touchup painting.
I've left a lot of my kitchen to do at the last, but have gotten a good start packing things that I know I can do without for a little bit of time. I may be resorting to using a lot these...........
so I can get my dishes packed. Dishes & all things "glass" take the longest to pack, & I need to be very thorough. I DO NOT WANT BREAKAGE!
We are going to be renting one of these.........
to take some things over to the new house - only ours will be hauling The Man's little Mustang. We've hired a mover, but there are things they cannot move - like paints, garden chemicals, household cleaners, etc. - so we will be taking those things, along with as many things as we can handle ourselves. Professional movers also require that all boxes be sealed, & I have several boxes that are holding things that are too big to go into a closed box.
Abby climbs into any unsealed box that she finds. I guess she wants to be certain that she doesn't get left behind. Fat chance of that happening!
We move in 3 weeks - YIKES - back to the packing boxes! I hope you didn't mind my little "getting you caught up" session. I've really missed blogging, but just know I will soon be back on a regular basis with lots of new things to post about. I'm planning to take lots of pics of our new home during our "U-haul run" in another week or so. I'll be so excited to share those with all of you. Thanks for stopping by and for hanging in there with me. Ya'll are the best!
I'm happily linking to:
(Seriously, if this post isn't a WOW, I don't know what is!)
Mountain of a Give-Away!
It's time for a Mountain of Annie Sloan Chalk paint Giveaway and More!~
That's correct this is a
MOUNTAIN of a giveaway with Annie Sloan paint and much more!
I am NOT the host of this amazing turn of events out here in the blogosphere, but this is such a great
thing to share with all of you. Just click on the Mountain of a Sale button on my sidebar & go check
out all the details!
Good luck to everyone!
Look What I Won!
Lisa @ Before Meets After had a wonderful give-away, and I was the lucky winner.See the lovely jewelry that Chris made. Just wait until you see how she did it. If youhaven't checked out Lisa's blog or Chris at Crissy's Crafts, you shoulddo that right away.Before Meets After |
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 04:13 AM PDT Using, a winner for Crissy's Crafts necklace giveaway is lucky number 8!! True Random Number Generator 8 Powered by RANDOM.ORG CAS from An Oasis in the Desert is the winner!! She said she liked BMA on facebook and she would wear it with some tan capris and a light tee!! Make sure you check out her super cute and thrifty blog too! Thanks so much! CAS |
Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating with your families and friends, and remembering why we have the privilege to do so. Eat, play games, do fireworks (if you are allowed in your area), and please be SAFE dear friends.
Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon!
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